Tuesday, January 16, 2018

How NOT to make a video to support your digital portfolio

If you are a student who wants to make a video to support your digital portfolio, then watch this video to find out "what not to do" and "what to do."

Include some visual images.  The image of the book got my attention.

Move around

Sit there and there is ONLY YOUR face that moves.   

Click here to see more


Monday, January 8, 2018

AJ Juliani's blog post about "how to assess assignments" in a portfolio are valuable for teachers and students

HERE IS SOME EXCELLENT ADVICE:   "By starting out with a simple Google Drive (or SkyDrive) folder, you can eventually give the students a choice down the road of what platform they want to create their digital portfolio so they can share it with the world. Here is where students will make their own websites using WordPress.com, Weebly.com, Wix.com, Squarespace.com, and many more options."
From AJ Juliani

I found that the Google Sites software is a simple option.  I've described the 11 steps at TINYURL.com/FWPstart for the Free Website Project.  The design is based on High Tech High (SEE LINK) in San Diego, where I learned from two students how they assemble their portfolios.   
TIP:  Search "bill gates and oprah visit high tech high"

AJ makes good points about the advantages of teaching fewer students more deeply.  It reminds me of stories from Dennis Littky's EDUCATION IS EVERYONE'S BUSINESS  tinyURL.com/Littkychapter1 and  tinyURL.com/Littkychapter4, plus the radio interview on NPR at  tinyURL.com/LittkyRadio.