subscribe and follow his MEDIUM account.
The following paragraphs from a MEDIUM post about DIGITAL BADGES is worth looking at: Daniel Rabuzzi
makes these observations (in courier) SEE HIS ORIGiNAL BLOGPOST (I have annotated his post here with excerpts and links to other materials -- Daniel's resources list will help teachers who want to start using portfolios)
Marc Lesser (Senior Director, Learning Design at Mouse) is a leader in the national movement recommending portfolios and badges as complementary means to assess learner achievement. (For a sense of his thinking, read his “Improving the Way Education Supports Learner Identity: Digital Badges & The Information Age”).
We at Mouse view portfolios and badges — in both their digital and physical forms — as central to our mission of closing the opportunity divide within technology.
.... In Kentucky, a national petri dish for system-wide educational change after the Kentucky Education Reform Act in ’90, we looked at the work already being done in Vermont: the Vermont Portfolio Assessment Program started in late 1980s, with evaluation led by Daniel Koretz.
ANYONE WHO WANTS A LOOK AT LITTKY'S work can see the following:
>> chapter 1 of his book The Big Picture
>> the NPR interview.
>> search Littky's TEDx NYED 2011 speech on YOUTUBE
Daniel continues: The Kentucky and Vermont efforts were also influenced by the thinking of Ted Sizer, Deborah Meier, Dennis Littky and others in the Coalition for Essential Schools, and the related Annenberg Challenge.
National education, government, and industry groups paid attention to the concepts, as the digital revolution began to upend traditional occupations and the idea of a “knowledge economy” with a “creative class” began to gain currency. Let's think about alternative credentials and portfolios ...
So, a call to action for admissions officers and registrars at colleges and universities: please help us together build a system of badges and portfolios that will help get many more young Americans to postsecondary education, and above all, into the majors, minors, internships and co-curriculars most appropriate for each individual.
HERE IS THE KEY PITCH: We ask universities and colleges to endorse and eventually grant credit to badges and portfolios, not to replace but to complement & supplement traditional transcripts.
HERE IS THE KEY PITCH: We ask universities and colleges to endorse and eventually grant credit to badges and portfolios, not to replace but to complement & supplement traditional transcripts.
Additional Resources:
Digital Promise and LRNG are among the national groups that have emerged in the new millennium to continue the evolution of badges and portfolios.
SUBSCRIBE TO “Badge News,” an open, bi-weekly newsletter to stay attuned to the fast evolution of this dialogue. Read more about Badge News and sign up
TIP TO TEACHERS: Read these reports and allow the information to inform your lesson planning. Build a culture of portfolios. "How does today's classwork build something that the studnets can display in their portfolios?" If the classwork is part of a bigger project, then keep it. If it's just a worksheet, scrap it.
Paulson, Paulson & Meyer, “What Makes A Portfolio A Portfolio?,” in Educational Leadership, Feb. 1991;
Mary Hamm & Dennis Adams, “Portfolio: It’s Not Just For Artists Anymore,” Science Teacher 58 (1991);
Arlene Lois Garnett, Portfolio Assessment: An Authentic Method of Student Evaluation (1993);
Thomas Reeves & James R. Okey, “Alternative Assessment For Constructivist Learning Environments,” in Wilson (ed.), Constructivist Learning Environments (1996);
Elizabeth Hebert & Laurie Schultz, “The Power of Portfolio,” Educational Leadership (53:7, April 1996);
Charlotte Danielson and Leslye Abrutyn, An Introduction to Using Portfolios in the Classroom (1997);
Thos. Reeves, “Alternative Assessment Approaches For Online Learning Environments in Higher Education,” Journal of Educational Computing Research, July 2000.
Executive Director, Mouse
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