Friday, December 2, 2016

"multiple measures for determining graduation readiness." and "proficiency-based graduation requirements" -- Highlights from The Regulations that were adopted on October 11, 2016

Here's how the results of the meeting on October 11 were reported on in the local newspaper:

YOU CAN FIND the complete regulations HERE
Middle and High School Learning Environments and the Rhode Island Diploma System

The focus of this blog post is to identify the elements that were identified in the newspaper article:
Students will have to demonstrate proficiency through
a senior project
an exhibition or
a portfolio

The state will establish the standard for scoring.


In a letter to the Council, the COmmissioner of Education
states that the regulations:

The proposed amended regulations represent extensive input from the public, including comments from the formal public comment period and public conversations about this topic over the past 11 months. They set the framework by which all school districts develop and implement a comprehensive secondary school system for middle and high schools that includes: student and teacher supports, local aligned policies, multiple learning opportunities for all students, and multiple measures for determining graduation readiness. They also reflect key learning principles that have been identified since the 2003 Secondary School Regulations that are seen as imperative for ensuring college and career ready graduates including: proficiency-based graduation requirements; comprehensive supports to students; personalized learning experiences; common planning time and professional development support for teachers. Additional revisions include increased flexibility for schools and students in meeting state graduation requirements. The proposed amended regulations extend the previous regulatory expectations for literacy skill acquisition to support numeracy acquisition for all students; clarify that all coursework requirements must demonstrate proficiency at a level aligned to high school content standards; a shift in state assessment from a student-based requirement to a school system based incentive; expand allowable personalization strategy options; and clarify sufficient notification of graduation requirements for students and their families.

What issues were brought up in the Four Public Hearings about portfolios and exhibitions?

What are some key elements of the regulations

The lsit of regulations has this list of definitions

 Conjunctive Diploma Requirements – the non-compensatory relationship between Rhode Island’s diploma requirements, commencing in 2021. The required elements of a diploma include:
1. Successful completion of state and local course requirements; and
2. Successful completion of a performance-based diploma assessment.

Diploma System – the comprehensive set of structures, processes, and policies required in  all secondary schools to ensure access to rigorous programming and appropriate supports that prepare all students for success in college, careers, and life. 

(p) Individual Learning Plan (ILP) – a planning and monitoring tool that customizes and directs students’ goals and development in three domains: academic, career, and personal/social.

(The ILP is different from the IEP.  The ILP includes the IEP)

(t) Performance-Based Diploma Assessment – multifaceted assignments that serve as a culminating demonstration of a student’s applied learning skills and knowledge of one or more content areas. 

(u) Personalization – a diverse variety of educational programs, learning experiences, instructional approaches and academic support strategies that are intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations or cultural backgrounds of individual students

(v) Proficiency –A defined level of knowledge and skills that are expected to be learned signaling that a student is well prepared to progress to the next lesson, course, grade level, or to receive a diploma.

L-6-3.0 RHODE ISLAND DIPLOMA SYSTEM. Diploma eligibility shall be derived from a conjunctive review of two sources of evidence:
(1) successful course completion in conformance with Section L-6-3.1; and
(2) successful completion of at least one performance-based diploma assessment as described in section L-6- 3.2. In order to be eligible for a diploma, students must meet state and local requirements in these two areas.

L-6-3.2. Performance-based diploma assessments. Students shall successfully complete at least one performance-based diploma assessment. Successful completion of performance-based diploma assessments shall include demonstrations of both applied learning skills and proficiency in one or more content areas. All performance-based diploma assessments shall be evaluated utilizing an LEA-defined scoring criteria aligned with high school level state-adopted content standards and applied learning standards and/or other relevant nationally-recognized content standards.


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